(From Eileen Moore's Thursday Email to the Prayer Team)
My text today from Charles started out, "Another day of God's faithfulness." The Team started out in three vans for today's safari trek. In the middle of the safari one of the vans broke down. The team crowded into two vans, but were soon invited to share a van ride with three woman from three different countries who were sharing a vehicle. Isn't God good? Some of the women were believers. One was in Uganda to provide AIDS medications to some of the many children who need them. The Team experienced many more animal sightings today adding giraffes, baboons, and lion cubs to their list. A member of the team, who will remain nameless until she gets home to tell the story herself, was "attacked" by a baboon, but it appears he only wanted her crackers and she went unharmed!! I am sure this made for a few scary moments! When the team returned back to Kumbamitwe they played with the neighborhood kids and then moved on to repacking for tomorrow's trip home to Paducah.
Tomorrow(Friday) morning the Team will attend the chapel service at the Legacy Academy. Brad Gholson will be teaching at the chapel service. After chapel service the Team will leave for the bumpy ride back to Kampala and an opportunity to do some shopping. Charles said it will be hard for them to leave Olivia and all of the new friends they have made.
According to the information provided to me before the Team left, their long journey home begins from Kampala tomorrow night at 11:40pm. This first leg of their trip will take them to Amsterdam and will last approximately 7 hours.
Please pray that everyone will sleep well tonight. Please pray for Brad as he teaches tomorrow morning at chapel. Continue to pray for health and safety. Pray that the farewells with old and new friends will be sweet and encouraging. Please pray that the vehicles that the Team takes to Kampala will not have any problems and that they will arrive safely. Please pray that they will have the opportunity and boldness to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people they will meet tomorrow in their travels and that people will come to faith. Please pray for their stamina. Pray that God will bring them all the way back to Paducah safely. Pray as the Holy Spirit leads you.
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