(Eileen Moore's Monday Night Email to the Prayer Team)
The Uganda Team built 10 kitchen shelters today for people who live in huts and cook outside on the ground. These people now have an enclosed but vented place to prepare meals. It was a long hot day, but when the Team returned to their home at SOS Ministries they had a "delicious chicken dinner followed by dessert." Tomorrow (Tuesday) the whole Team, except Charles and Jason, will be going to three different government schools where they will put on evangelistic programs. Please pray that the children will be attentive to the message, that the Gospel will be shared clearly, and that people will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Charles and Jason will spend the day teaching youth pastors who have traveled from all over Uganda to attend a Regional Baptist Youth Leaders Conference. Please pray that Charles and Jason will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, that their teaching will be clear and understood by those in attendance, and that they will be an encouragement to all of the youth pastors at the conference.
For all of the Team, please continue to pray for their strength and health. Pray that they will be an encouragement to the people they will encounter tomorrow and to each other. Pray that the Team will see a mighty moving of the Holy Spirit.
Once again, here are some of the other things the Team asked us to pray for:
1. That they would be useful, and that God would be gracious to show them how He is using them;
2. That they would have opportunities and boldness to share Christ;
3. That they would truly be changed more into the image of Christ through this trip and that they would come home with hearts that look more like the heart of our Savior;
4. That there would be complete unity among the team members. That they would have supernatural grace, forgiveness, understanding and love for one another;
5. For protection against sickness. That everyone would be healthy throughout the trip. That there would be no accidents or mishaps. That God would keep all of them safe;
6. That God would strengthen Jason as he leads the team, and that the Lord would give him wisdom, discernment, energy, and peace;
7. For strength, protection, and safety for the team members' families who will be without their loved ones, and
8. That the Team members would be able to sleep.
Again, thank you so much for your faithfulness to pray!