Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reflections by Brian the Lion

Posting on the blog

I tried not to get my feelings hurt, and kept wondering when my picture would be on the blog.  Finally, I decided to steal Steve's laptop while he was asleep and post something myself.  My name is Brian.  Brian, the lion.  I was so glad to be a part of the team this year.  My primary role was camp security, but I also did a little acting in "Daniel and the Lion's Den"(pictured below).  I forgot one of my lines, but felt pretty good about the overall performance.  It's been an exhausting trip, and it was nearly impossible to sleep in airports.  Riding in the bottom of Rusty's bag was better than I thought it would be, but I've been starving all week.  I could literally eat a horse right now.  And normally, I'm pretty picky.  Anyway, I just wanted everyone to know the WHOLE team made it back safely.  It felt great getting behind the steering wheel again last night and driving back to my own den for a good night's rest.  Truly, it's nice to be home.


Rehearsing for my part in "Daniel and the Lion's Den"

Trying to sleep in the airport

Longing for home
Driving back from Barkley Aiport

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Reflections by Suzanne

As we sit in an airport in Germany, we have time to reflect on our trip and time to thank God for permitting us to be a part of His work in Ukraine.  What a wonderful blessing this trip has been.  God has given us safe travel, good health, wonderful fellowship and worship, but more importantly, we have seen the Holy Spirit at work in the hearts of his people.  God united our team and the team from House of the Gospel to make us truly one in the body of Christ.

When we began to prepare for this trip, our prayers were always that God would use us to present His Gospel to the children and to present it in a way that would bring honor and glory to Him.  These prayers have been answered.

Now as we start home, we begin to focus on the next mission.  When and how do we get started on a building in Ozero?  Our goal has always been that everyone in the village of Ozero would come to know the saving power of Christ.  Pray that God will lead us with clear direction and confirmation so that we proceed according to His plan.  Pray that we will boldly step out on faith and obedience to God’s call.


Reflections by Lloyd

We have completed another mission trip to Ozero, Ukraine.  Our desire was and is to bring the Gospel , the good news of Jesus Christ, to an unbelieving people.  As a mission team we have tried to follow God’s calling.  What are the results?  How many confessions of faith have there been?  Is there a visible body of Christ there now?  I don’t have the answers.  I am drawn to 1 Corinthians 9:6 where Paul says, “I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”  May God’s blessing bear fruit in Ozero.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Boarding in Kiev

We're boarding our plane soon in Kiev, headed to Munich.  Thanks for your prayers back home.  See you soon!

Tuesday Report UPDATED

We made it safely back to Kiev a couple of hours ago.  We are currently meeting with Pasha, a Russian native working as a contractor in Ukraine who represents   The company is based out of Indiana.  There is definite traction with the eventual building of a church.  We are considering a worship space that could also house a pastor and his family in Ozero.  Pray for wisdom and vision for the project.  There are many details to consider.

The meeting went very well with Pasha.  His company had heard about our goals for Ozero, and Pasha seemed genuinely excited to help.  He even prayed for us after the meeting.  He had interesting ideas about how to get some work done by volunteers, keeping our cost down for labor.  It seemed clear he and his company are eager to help us, and do so with a budget in mind.  We left the meeting very encouraged.

We said our goodbyes with Tolli tonight, and he got back on the road for a 4-hour return to Rivne.  We were left without an interpreter for dinner and our remaining hours here in the hotel.  We headed to the only place we felt safe within walking distance... the golden arches!  Today, Lloyd celebrated his 69th birthday with us, traveling across Ukraine, eating lunch in a gas station and dinner at McDonalds.  I never heard a complaint.  Happy birthday Lloyd (a.k.a. PawPaw and  LL).

Birthday Lunch at the gas station

Kiev McDonalds

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Report by Rusty

What a great day we have had in Rivne Ukraine.  We started the day off by going to a rehab center for addicted women.  We met three ladies that have been addicted to drugs and alcohol.  This rehab center is a one year commitment.  It is humbling to see these ladies leave everything in there lives to get their lives straight by surrendering to Christ.  This ministry that the House of the Gospel sponsors is an amazing ministry.  We also visited the men's rehab house as well.  Their were around 10 men living in the home.  We were able to hear their story and how they became addicted.  It should encourage all of us to see men like this that are really struggling with alcohol and drug abuse to ask for help and seek Christ.  So many times in our lives we are trying so hard to hold on with all our might when God just wants us to let go so he can catch us.  These men were examples to us that God doesn't care if we are rich or poor, dirty or clean, nor does he want a portion of us.  God wants all of us and he wants us to surrender to him and not the things this world has to offer.  Polina's son is the director over these ministries and really does an incredible job.

Camp Canaan
We left the mens ministry and took five men with us to a camp that is in another village just outside Rivne.  It is called Camp Canaan and it is where they hold their kids camps.  The men we took were going there to work.  House of the Gospel bought this property some time ago and has put a lot of work in it to make it a nice place for children to come and learn about the saving grace of our great God.  The neat thing for me was to see the place that so many of our church members gave money for children to be able to attend this summer.  I would like for the church to know that it was well worth the money that was given to the children.  Just down the road from this camp was a camp that House of the Gospel sponsors that is just to handicap people.  This is another huge ministry that House of the Gospel sponsors as well.

It was lunch time and Tolli took us to a pizza parlor for some much needed comfort food.  The pizza was very good and reminded us of home.  Thank you Tolli.
"Comfort Food" at the local pizzeria

Ozero Vision Meeting
We ended our tour at the House of the Gospel by touring the church and seeing the facilities.  When the House of the Gospel purchased this building, it was burned and abandoned.  It is amazing to see how much work they have done on this building.  Their new worship room is very nice and well done.

Pictured is a meeting that took place with Tolli and his wife Irena, Victor the pastor, Polina, Polina's son Alexander and the Paducah team.  This meeting was very important.  We have learned through Polina that there is opposition in Ozero because of what God is doing.  It is important to note that the orthodox church and a woman in the church that is a wealthy widow started circulating a letter in the village to try and stop the baptist church from being built.  The good news is that there were not a lot of signatures on the letter.  The local government has showed that they are not in opposition of the church.  This is good news but something that needs lots of prayer.  God is doing a good work in Ozero and where God is working there will always be opposition.  This was a topic of discussion in our meeting as well as the need for a full time minister in Ozero.  We believe that there is a lot of work to be done in Ozero and we need to be in prayer for the man that God has planned to lead and Shepard the people of Ozero.  Slava "Bow-Goo" (praise God)!  Our night finished with Tolli and Irena joining us for dinner at our hotel.  We will leave in the morning for Kiev for our last full day.  Thank you so much for all your prayers, we are so blessed to be able to share the love of our God this past week with some amazing people here in Ukraine.


Sunday Photos

Steve in second service at House of the Gospel

Tolli and granddaughter Sasha walking from church

Frank from Germany practicing his English at lunch

Enjoying a Sunday afternoon stroll
Downtown Rivne

Outdoor skate rink- children playing capture the flag 

Ukrainian Movie Theatre

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Report by Steve

It's past midnight, but there's so much to share.  I wanted to write and make sure everyone knows we are doing very well, and enjoyed a great day in Rivne.  The services were a blessing this morning.  I felt completely comfortable preaching.  In spite of not having a guitar hanging across me, the Lord equipped me for the task!  I preached on 2 Peter 3.  The passage calls us to live holy lives, knowing that the Lord is returning soon.  Truly, the Lord answered my prayers and provided us with favor among the congregation, and I sensed their attentiveness and warmth as a church as I preached.  Truly, I felt a very real connection as an American brother in Christ, as a part of the one Church of Christ.

We enjoyed a generous meal from Tolli and his wife in their home, and spent the afternoon walking the streets of downtown Rivne with Tolli's daughter Zjenja and her husband Victor.  It was a great day.  Tonight, we ate dinner with Costa and Eugenia.  Eugenia was unable to serve in Ozero this year, but has been an important part of the team in previous years, leading the singing and ministering to the children.

House of the Gospel sanctuary

Preparing Sunday lunch with granddaughter Sasha
Victor and Zjenja (Pastor Tolli's daughter and our interpreter)

Saturday Report by Betty

This is a national holiday for Ukraine: The Transformation (in America we would say Transfiguration).  Plans had been made on Friday as to how we would celebrate.

We rose early- about 7:00 a.m. for a wonderful breakfast with Maria, our hostess.  On our way to the house church, Maria took us to her school for a tour.  She is so proud as principal to show off her newly painted school.  For us, it was a step back in time - no computers, labs, etc.  This was a just a reminder of how spoiled and privileged we Americans are.  Children here are required to attend school for nine grades, then they may go on to college or work.  If neither of these are in place, they are required to go for eleven grades.

For the program today there was lots of music with the House of the Gospel singing in Ukrainian and Steve leading his "silly song", which the children and adults really liked.  Ura, a Ukrainian lay-minister spoke and then Brother Rusty spoke on the Transfiguration.  Polina wanted Talia to witness to the children with her testimony, which she did with great ease.  She told them how she and her Dad prayed on the way to school each day in his "old red truck" and what Christ means in her life.

It is always so bitter-sweet on the last day in Ozero.  However, we enjoyed our time to the fullest.  We gave the children their Upward sports bags that Rusty had donated.  We donated a year's supply of toothbrushes, toothpaste, glasses and medicines to be used as needed.  We shared cookies and hugs, took lots of pictures and prayed much!

It was time to say "good-byes", pack our bags and head back to Rivne.  Looking forward to Church in Rivne tomorrow at House of the Gospel where Brother Steve will be preaching in two services.  Our young pastors (Rusty and Steve) have been such a blessing to everyone and very well received.  We ask that you pray that God be glorified and use our remaining efforts in Ukraine to further His kingdom.


Friday Photos

Preparing lunch for the House of the Gospel team

Across the street from the campsite

Proud Polina

Frisbees with John 3:16 in Ukrainian

Flag ceremony and prayer service for Ozero

First set of photos printed for the children

Rusty and Costa having a little fun

Talia and Natasha

House Church Outhouse

Polina sharing vision for church planting, as illustrated by the stork's nest

Happy anniversary PawPaw and Mimi


Our hosts in Ozero

Friday Report by Lloyd

This day has been just as rewarding as all the others.  Our team feels very blessed by having the privilege to work with these wonderful people.  These children, with their very large smiles, are some of the most beautiful children anywhere.

Small Group Sessions
The day began with House of the Gospel members teaching small group sessions of 10-12 boys and girls from John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."  Wow!  What a powerful message.  Although in a different language, "I understood."

Original Ozero House Church
Craft time consisted of: 1) decorated picture frames with each child's picture; (2) necklace with each of the colored beads representing man's sin, Jesus' shed blood, cleansing of our sins; (3) plastic eggs with bands representing the salvation story; (4) and a frisbee for each child with John 3:16 in scribed in the center.

Later on in the afternoon, after multiple breaks, snacks, and recreation times, we reconvened in the tent and Brother Steve and Talia presented the story of the empty tomb, complete with felt board characters and scenery - another powerful message.

44 years and counting...
This afternoon also found Suzanne and Betty having a small group session in a private home with 10 non-believing women.  They gave an inspiring presentation on Psalm 23, "The Lord is my Shepherd", and He can be yours too!  At this time, Steve, Rusty and I accompanied Polina to the original "House Church" of Ozero.  The FBC folks have been such a great part of that church house - provided new paint, windows, doors, electricity, small wall furnaces, etc.  It isn't great, but it's functional, and it will accomodate about 20 people for worship,  Thanks to all who have given.

Polina had a surprise for Betty and me - a balloon bouquet of roses, celebrating our 44th wedding anniversary this very day.  What is the key to our long marriage?  God's grace and blessings.

Our day ended with another great dinner at Maria's, our home for the week.  After dinner we invited Maria and her family (Orthodox Church members) back into the small dining room for "conversation."  Maria, her husband, son, sister, niece, and other children were there.  Through two translators, Suzanne and others gave their testimony and witnessed Jesus Christ to our friends.   Slava Bogu (Praise the Lord)!  No conversions tonight, but the seed was planted.

Thank God the Father, for His goodness and mercy.
~Lloyd H.

Thursday Photos

Polina and Talia
As easy as riding a bike...

Village children

Ozero Child

House of the Gospel team members

FBC team members enjoying a short break

One of our daily crafts

Suzanne and Betty with Irena, one of our translators 

Fun at the crafts table

Ozero sunset